The visit of the American Fleet to Japan, where Admiral
Sperry's squadron has been received with the utmost cor- diality, has culminated in an exchange of messages between the Emperor and President Roosevelt. After receiving Admiral Sperry in audience, and entertaining him and the other United States naval officers to luncheon, the Emperor entrusted his guest with the following , message to the President:—" The historic relations of good understanding and genuine friendship with the United States I count as a
valuable heritage of my reign, and it shall be in the future, as it has been in the past, my constant aim and desire to weld the ties of amity uniting the two countries into indissoluble bonds of good neighbourhood and perfect accord." The Emperor's message has made a very good impression in America, both in the official world and in the Press, which contrasts the sensational and alarmist talk current at the time the battleships started with the situation created by Japan's tactful invitation and the heartiness and unquestion- able sincerity of her welcome.