.1 'Spirit in Prison. By Robert Hichens. (Hutchinson and Co.
6s.)—.A Spirit in Prison is a sequel to Mr. Hichens's former novel, "The Call of the Blood," and would probably be extremely difficult and puzzling reading to any one who did not remember- the earlier book. Mr. lichens again gives a vivid picture of the- sun-steeped atmosphere of Southern Italy, and his Italians are- well drawn and convincing. "Monsieur Emile" was more, attractive in the former book; but Hermione, the heroine, is very much the same as sixteen or seventeen years before, though her portrait is drawn in rather greyer colours. The motive of the story is really the same as that of the celebrated scene in "Vanity Fair" where Becky produces the note which George Osborne, handed her in a bouquet on the night of Waterloo. The "spirit. in prison" is Hermione, imprisoned in a false ideal. As Monsieur Emile was there (just as Dobbin was there) for Hermione marry, it may have been just as well that this ideal should be overthrown. Otherwise the reader cannot help wondering- whether she would not have been happier left to her dream.