Captain Mahan's invaluable works on the influence of sea power
on the development of history have been published in a uniform edition by Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. This edition consists of five demy octavo volumes at an aggregate price of £2 128. 6d. This total comprises three separate works. First comes that in which the subject is generally treated, the period included being 1660-1783, under the title of The Influence of Sea Power upon History ; then we have The Influence of Sea Power on the French Revolution and Empire ; and finally Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812. All are fully illustrated with maps and plans, and can be obtained separately, the first and second at the published prices of 18s. and 30s. respectively, and the third at 30s. not. The IAfe of Nelson has also been republished in a cheaper form at 12s. 68. net. Here the same subject is followed out in detail, Nelson being regarded as the "Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain." It is needless to express again the opinion, hold by all capable judges, that these works constitute a series which for thoroughness of knowledge and lucidity of expression stand in the first rank of historical authorities.