24 SEPTEMBER 1892, Page 15



SIR,—The writer of the article on " The New Mobilisation Scheme," in the Spectator of September 17th, may not be aware that an infantry division, composed of the 13th and 14th Brigades of the Third Army Corps (Militia), was mobilised at Aldershot in June last. It is most unlikely that the same regiments will be assembled together next year, because it is supposed that a second year's absence from regimental head- quarters would be detrimental to recruiting. The important question of training the Reservists could be settled at once if the men were attached to the Militia of the county in which they live. I believe that in most cases the men would be able to attend the annual training. Special leave could be granted in special cases. I know two Reservists, employed not far from your office, whose employer—a Militia officer—would be only too happy to attach them to his company for the annual training. As your contributor says : " Employers are not so unreasonable, or good servants so common, that the men need fear to find their posts filled up at the end of a month's