Ireland Under The Land League.* The Record Of His Work
in Ireland left by the late Mr. Clifford Lloyd, gives a very curious and interesting picture of the con- dition of the island during the worst period of the Land Revolution. It......
A Considerable Mistake. He Has Told At Portentous Length The
story of an undoubtedly admirable, though not specially great man, who did excellent work, mainly of the pioneer sort, for the Anglican Church in Australia, and who was so......
Current Literature.
Thomas and Paul Sandby, Royal Academicians. By William Sandby. (Seeley and Co.)—There is necessarily much that is general, if not positively vague, in this handsome and well-......
Suspected. By Louisa Stratenus. (chapman And Hall.)—this...
steeped in Teutonism of the Dutch variety—even the hero's " strongly-marked features made him look like one of those Teuton chiefs whose place was more in one of those old......