Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, October 8th, will be issued gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......
The Semi-official Journals Of Germany Now Admit That The...
intend to ask for an increase of the military estimates by £3,200,000 a year. An increase will also be asked for by the Austrian Government; and it is believed that the addition......
News Of The Week
• T HE French have been holding what they are pleased to consider the centenary of the Republic, the First Republic having been proclaimed on September 22nd, 1792. There was a......
There Is Some Reason To Hope That The Days Of
the abomi- nable Kingdom of Dahomey are drawing to a close. King Behanzin's repeated attacks have forced the French to act with energy, and they have taken possession of Whydah,......
President Carnot, Who Is Now Always Moving About, Made On
Friday week an important speech at Poitiers. The Mayor, in his address, had expressed a hope—it is said in the Times, after a hint from headquarters—that the guest of the......
The Intelligence Of The Week From Afghanistan Is, On The
whole, satisfactory. The Ameer has followed the advice of the British Government, and has ceased from threatening the tribes which he has been informed are under British protec-......