Another Dog Story.
[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow me to record in the Spectator " another dog story " ? It is one that testifies, for the thousandth time, to canine......
The New Mobilisation Scheme.
[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — The writer of the article on " The New Mobilisation Scheme," in the Spectator of September 17th, may not be aware that an infantry......
Letters To The Editor.
LIGHT IN THE EGYPTIAN TOMBS. [TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] S in,—Yoar correspondent, " G. V. S.," will see that his suggestion is inadmissible when I tell him that the......
The Charm Of London.
rr HE world of Englishmen may be divided into two,—those- 1 who feel, and those who do not feel, the charm of London. Let it be understood, however, that feeling the charm of......
The Cuckoo.—bird-migration.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Your readers interested in the first of these questions might find some information in the second volume of the fourth edition of......