25 APRIL 1891, Page 2

Mr. Goschen estimates the Expenditure for the current year at

288,319,000, including 228,295,000 for the Consolidated Fund services, and reckoning the Supply services at 260,024,000; but in another part of his speech, Mr. Goschen stated the whole expenditure at 288,444,000. He estimated the Revenue thus :—

Customs £19,700,000 Post Office 410,120,000 Excise 25,300,000 Telegraph 2,480,000 Stamps 13,450,000 Crown Lands 4.30,000 Land-tax 1,030,000 Suez Canal, &o. 220,000 House-duty

Miseellaueous 2,500,000 Property and Income Tax... 13,750,000

Total taxation £74,080,000 Total non-tax revenue... 215,750,000

—so that the total estimated l'OVC111.10 is 290,430,000. De- ducting from this the expenditure of £88,444,000, the balance remains 21,986,000. Of this, Mr. Gosehen proposes to take 21,000,000 this year for the remission of sohool-fees, to apply 2500,000 to the rebuilding of barracks without borrowing, and 2400,000 to the restoration of the gold standard, leaving 286,000 to secure a balance.