25 APRIL 1891, page 2

President Harrison Is Travelling In The South So...

the newspapers are offended, and talk of a "Royal pro- gress," and the decay of Republican simplicity. As he pays his own bills, there is little reason in the criticisms; but......

The "annual Grand Habitation" Of The Primrose League Was...

at the Opera House, Covent Garden, on Tuesday afternoon, under the presidency of the Grand Master, Lord Salisbury. The house was filled long before the proceedings commenced......

It Really Seems As If The Russian Government Had A

secret design of expelling its Jewish subjects, probably five millions in number, from its dominions. Decree comes out after decree, and the object of all is to concentrate the......

The Americans Are Evidently Not Going To Give Any Repara-

tion for the lynching of Italians at New Orleans. Meetings are being held all over the Union to suppOrt the Government in its refusal, upon the ground that the men lynched did......

Mr. Goschen Estimates The Expenditure For The Current...

288,319,000, including 228,295,000 for the Consolidated Fund services, and reckoning the Supply services at 260,024,000; but in another part of his speech, Mr. Goschen stated......

Mr. Goschen Cannot Be Excelled, And Is Not To Be

easily rivalled, as a Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but unquestionably he does not study the art of putting his statement into a form which, as the enthusiastic " crammer "......

The Purchase Bill Advances Slowly, Though No One Outside Mr.

Labouchere's group avowedly resists its principle. Mr. J. Morley's amendment, however, postponing the operation of the Bill until County Councils had been created in Ireland,......

The Opium Difficulty Is Postponed For A Year. Mr. W.

H. Smith pointed out on Monday that while the Indian Govern- ment would, of course, be aware of the vote of the House,. they were not bound by it, or responsible to the House of......