25 APRIL 1891, page 23

Zeno. By A Lady. (parker And Co., Oxford.)—" The Sea,

with its everlasting diapason of majestic thundor, rolled at the feet of the two, who had learned something of the harmonies of the spheres from the wonderful and revered......

Ct.trrent Literature.

The assertion that "the dismal science is dead," variations upon which have been loudly rung within the past few years, has received the most authoritative of all denials in the......

George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Browning, Newman : Essays...

from the " Athenaeum," By Joseph Jacobs. (David Nutt.) —Mr. Jacobs is a thoughtful and kindly critic, but are not those various notices a little too slight for preservation in a......

The April Number Of The Church Quarterly Review Is An

ex- ceptionally good one, especially from the Anglican point of view. There are no fewer than three articles devoted to Bishops- " Bishop Westhott on the Hebrews," "Bishop......

Professor Sonnensohein's " Rudens."* Professor...

on a useful piece of work well done. Already well known as a Plautine scholar, he will distinctly increase his reputation by this edition of the Rudens, the first, by-the-way,......