News Of The Week.
M R. GOSCHEN'S Budget caused a great surprise to most of his hearers by its announcement that the Government intend to reserve the whole of the surplus for the complete remis-......
A Great Scene Was Enacted In The Lords On Thursday,
the Peers assembling in large numbers to hear Sir W. Whiteway, Premier of Newfoundland, plead at the Bar of the House in favour of his Colony. He was more moderate than was......
Notice.—with This Week's " Spectator " I8 Issued, Gratis, A
Lord Salisbury Must Be Almost At His Wits' End To
protect the Portuguese. The Government of Lisbon is, it is under- stood, fairly satisfied with the revised treaty laid before it, and if left to itself would sign it, and begin......
A Rather Grave Complication Has Been Averted In South...
A great number of Boers in the Transvaal are dis- satisfied with their position in the midst of English immi- grants, and five thousand of them resolved to " trek " in a body to......
Mr. Goschen Cannot Be Excelled, And Is Not To Be
easily rivalled, as a Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but unquestionably he does not study the art of putting his statement into a form which, as the enthusiastic " crammer "......