Sir Philip Magnus writes an interesting and moderate letter to
yesterday's Times, warning the 'members of Convocation of the University of London not to pledge themselves to reject the new draft Charter offered to them, till they have gravely considered the danger of a course which would probably lead to the grant of a separate Charter to University and King's Colleges, London, and to the defection of the Colleges of Phy- sicians and Surgeons from the revised plans of the University of London, to which at present their assent seems to be scoured. We so far agree with Sir Philip that we think that all wise graduates will reserve their decision to the last, and will take no rash step. But we confess that we see very little chance that the huge unwieldy scheme on which some of the ablest members of the Senate have spent so much skill and labour, can ever work well. And we very much doubt whether the creation of a rival University in London would do half the mischief which the revised scheme must effect in introducing an inevitable and pronounced collegiate bias into an examining body which now does its work so equitably, and with so healthy an influence over the secondary schools of the country.