ITo THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] Ste,—I was much interested in the account given by Mrs. Du Boulay in your issue of November 6th of the building of " Beat- lands" (Salcombe Regis), Sidmouth. That house was erected when I was two years old, and I did not before know the material used, but as a boy of about ten I was much interacted in the building of two smaller houses near Sid foot-bridge. They were built in the same manner, of local red marl rammed hard, and, like " Beatlands," have an upper storey. Mr. Pinney, the mason in Sid village, built these houses. He no longer living, but his son, who worked with him as a lad. has just completed a bungalow house, built in the same way, on Salcombe Hill, not far from " Beutlands." and is now engaged on two more. These are a new venture—or should one say as old venture revived?—and, like all now things in the building trade, remarks have been passed on them. But I venture to think that the return to the aid ways will be amply justified. I hope that Sir Frederick Maurice, who is an old brother officer of mine, will be well satisfied with his new house.—I am.