The Indian Services As Careers. (to The Editor Or The
" SPECTATOR.") Sus,—Last January I wrote a letter pointing out the great advantage of the Indian Civil Service as a career, and, in order to enable possible candidates to form......
France, America, And The League.
[To THE BOUM% or THE "SPECUTOII.'91 Sig, Will you allow me to point out that the attitude of the Spectator in regard to America, France, and the League of Nations is perhaps not......
Prohibition In America
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sm,—In your issue of August 28th, "E. W. P." reports condi- tions in Pennsylvania resulting from the adoption of Prohibi- tion very different......
America And The League.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Seeman:m."1 Sta,—in the excellent article in the Spectator of November 20th, entitled "The Fickle Greeks," you use this telling sentence: "But he who......
The Export Of Horses To Belgium.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sui,—In 1911 you published my letters describing the sufferings of old English horses exported to Belgium. Tho law changed to this......