The Indian Services As Careers. (to The Editor Or The
" SPECTATOR.") Sus,—Last January I wrote a letter pointing out the great advantage of the Indian Civil Service as a career, and, in order to enable possible candidates to form......
Dr. 1nge On Eugenics.
[To me Emma or me "SPECTATOR.") Sia,—In a recent lecture the Dean of St. Paul's offered a depressing picture of the future of the English race. He said that he was unable to......
The Dog River.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—As I am in the hinterland of Bengal your issue of August 14th, in which Mr. D. H, Bates criticizes statements in my article "The Dog......
Labour And The "capitalist" Press.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia„—Your correspondent Mr. E. T. Good writes a plausible article trying to make out that the capitalist Press is " quite fair and even......