Mr. Milne's Book Of Essays.*
THERE is no question that Mr. Milne is, whatever wo may Chink of his plays, a most enchanting essayist. If I May is an ideal bedside book, providing just the kind of rather......
Secrets Of Earth And Sea..*
Six Ras LANKESTER'S Science from an Easy-Chair was a book so delightful that we probably expect too much of its successor.. Let it be said at once that Secrets of Earth and Sea,......
The Dog In War.*
COLONEL RICHARDSON, the well-known authority on dogs, has written a most interesting account of the part played by dogs in the late war. In August, 1914, only one sentry dog, an......
Readable Novels.—the Cates Of Tien The. By Loslif Howard...
(Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. 6d. net.)— The story of the baffling of a Chinese secret society which carriit on its activities in London. The episodes are exciting, but BA book is......
THE BLACK KNIGHT.} Tins is a highly interesting if not very well-balanced experiment in collaboration. Mrs. Sidgwick is a novelist of standing and repute with many enjoyable and......