Barbizon House. An Illustrated Record, 1920. (8 Henrietta Street, Cavendish
Square. 21s.)—Mr. Creel Thomson has again prepared a record, carefully written and freely illustrated, of the more important pictures and other works of art which have passed through his hands during the year. As we said of the previous volume, such a record, apart from its intrinsic interest, is of lasting value to collectors and students ; M. Sedelmeyer's elaborate series of volumes of this kind has proved invaluable for reference. Among the pictures described by Mr. Croat Thomson we may mention a Madonna attributed to Cesare da Sesto, which has gone to the Cape Town Gallery ; a powerful half-length of a bullfighter by Goya ; a good Raeburn, " Mrs. Hamilton " ; Matthew Maris's " Young Cook "—one of the most engaging of all his works ; Rossetti's " Rocca Baciata " ; and a charming little picture of a street in Barbizon —reproduced in colours—by J. F. Millet.