Some West Surrey Villages. By E. A. Judges. With an Intro- duction by Lord Midleton. (Surrey T.mes Printing and Pub- lishing Company, Guildford. 10s. Gd.)—In a profusely illustrated quarto volume Mr. Judges has collected a vast deal of local and antiquarian matter. The inhabitants of that highly favoured corner of the county of Surrey will not fail to find the book of interest.. Shore and Albary, Ewhurst and Cranleigh, Dunsfold and Chiddingfold, Compton and Puttenharn,—all these are names which call up some of the sweetest pictures of Southern rustic England. In no county of the size is there so much wild and uncultivated 11.nd. It was of Surrey that a celebrated man said, " 'Tis the county where you meet statesmen and philosophers walking in the lanes." The ancient hist iry of the villages and manors will be found in Mr. Judges's book, whore many can read what is buried in the ponderous volumes of " Manning and Bray." It is a compromise between the county hist nty and the local guide-book ; and no one tvh ) cares for West Surrey will fail to fin I something of interest, though the style of the work usually more nearly approaches the guide-book than the more serious work of the historian. Many of the illustrations are old prints reproduced. These ate interesting and well done. The others are of indifferent merit.