25 JANUARY 1902, page 39

Wild Sport In The Outer Hebrides. By C. V. A.

Peel. (F. E. Robinson and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Peel, who has already told us about big-game shooting in Somaliland, now takes us to the Laws, to Dist, North and South, and to other......

History Of Stretford Chapel, Vol. Il By H. T. Crofton.

(Chetham Society.)—About the Chapel itself there is little in this volume, nothing, in fact, beyond some " Church- wardens' Accounts," beginning 1717. These are followed by......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as bare not been reserved for review in other forms.] Tales of the Spanish Main. By Mowbray Morris. (Macmillan and Co.......

The Lady Poverty. Translated And Edited By Montgomery...

Murray. Ss.)—This is a very pleasing trans- lation of a religious allegory written in the thirteenth century. Its authorship is unknown, but it is evidently the work of an early......

Venus Victriz, And Other Stories. By Helen Blathers....

and Co. 6s )—The four stories in the volume called Venus Vietria are calculated to stimulate the interest of the most languid reader. In two of them manslaughter is done; in......

His Own Ghost. By David Christie Murray. (chatto And Windus.

2s.)—His Own Ghost is a highly ingenious and intricate story, in which a millionaire from South Africa finds it de- sirable to feign death and burial in order to save his life......

The Holy Sepulchre. (marshall Brothers.)—this Reply To...

at least written with moderation and in a tone which the disputants in this controversy do not always maintain. The subject, at least, borders on theology, and is apt to be......

.4 Bid For E'mpire. By Major Arthur Griffiths: (digby, Long,

and Co. 6s.)—This is a book of adventures in Egypt and the Soudan at the time of the last campaign. The local colour is laid on with an unstinting hand, and we have scenes in......

The Beleaguered Forest. By Elia W. Peattie. (william...

first chapters of The Beleaguered Forest are occupied with the vagaries of a young woman who has thought herself an artist, and had her eyes sud- denly opened to the fact that......