Summits Of Success. By James Burnley. (grant Richards....
an eminently readable book. It reminds one of the story-books in which the hunting for, and finding of, a treasure is the main incident. In Mr. Burnley's pages many sorts of......
• Behold A Sower!- (the Bible House.)—this Is A Record,
illus- trated with highly interesting examples from very diver:e regious of the world—Kaffraria to Belucbistan, for instance—of the work done by the Bible Society. The library......
Scnool-boolte.—the Aeneid Of Virgil, I. Edited By H. B....
B.A. (hackie and Son. 2s.) —This is one of the books which seek to make, and largely succeed in making, learning attractive. While scholarship is not neglected, there is abund-......
Essays Theological And Literary. By Charles Carroll...
and Main. 7s. net.)—We cannot follow Dr. Everett into his discussions on theological, ethical, and literary subjects. The theological essays are to us specially interesting,......
Of Periodical Volumes We Have Received Thom's Official...
Thom and Co., Dublin, 21s.), with its mass of special info, nation about Irish persons, things, and affairs. A new map of Dublin is added, which may be obtained separately......