Of periodical volumes we have received Thom's Official Directory (Alex.
Thom and Co., Dublin, 21s.), with its mass of special info, nation about Irish persons, things, and affairs. A new map of Dublin is added, which may be obtained separately (1s.)— Debrett's House of Commons and Judicial Bench. (Dean and Son 7a. 6r1,)—There is an alphabetical list of counties, divisions, boroughs, &c., returning Members to Parliament, with informa- tion as to recent polling, county or municipal seats, &c. The " Judicial Bench " includes Colonial Judges as well as those of the United Kingdom. This is a volume quite complete in its way.—The London Manual, edited by Robert Donald (E. Lloyd, ls. and Is. W.), containing information about all local bodies, the County Council, the new municipalities, Sei.