25 JANUARY 1902, page 18

Mr. Chamberlain In Dealing With The Question Of Peace...

out that if and when the Boers made overtures to us, as Lord Rosebery suggested, it would be necessary to ask whether those who had made the overtures were responsible persons.......

The .debate Was Continued On Tuesday By Sir William...

who took great pains to prove, by copious and eulogistic quotations from Lord Rosebery's Chesterfield speech, that the Imperialist Liberals ought to vote for the amendment. He......

On Wednesday A Very Interesting Debate Took Place In Regard

to Persia and Russian and German influence in the Persian Gulf, raised by Mr. Walton, who was very anxious that we should stand up to Russia and maintain the integrity and......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Closed The Debate In A...

added little to the discussion, and when the division was taken only 123 Members followed him into the lobby. The amendment was negatived . by a majority of 210 (333 to 123).......

Mr. Chamberlain Went On To Deal With The Pessimistic...

as to the permanent alienation of the Boers. Yet we had at present two thousand ex-burghers of the Transvaal fighting for us, and it was found in Ceylon that as many as eight......

The Debate On The Address Was Continued During The Week,

and on Monday Mr. Cawley moved the " composite " amendment intended to bring together the Pro-Boers, the official Liberals, and the Imperialist Liberals in the con- demnation of......

There Was A Great Field-day On Foreign Affairs In The

French Chamber on Tuesday. . M. Delcasse in a long and interesting speech claimed that in the collective work undertaken by the Powers in China, it was the measures demanded by......

The Isthmian Canal Commission Has Reported To Congress In...

of the Panama route, and there now seems little doubt that the United States will purchase the Panama Com- pany's concession, work done, and plant for £10,000,000, and will then......