[To TUE EDITOR OF TIM "SPECTATOR.") Stn,—May a Little Englander (New School) make his version of Mr. Mills's verse in the Spectator of January 18th ?-
We stand protesting, while the sowers sow The whirlwind (it is all that we can do): But when the tax-collector calls, you know, We pay, 0 patriots, just the same as you.
Wo uevor planned, nor whitewashed, any Raid : No concentration camps by us were filled. Yet shall we like farm-burners be arrayed, Wearing the feathers that we never willed.
(Old School).
[" Littie.Englander (New School)" complains that be has to hear the cost of a policy of which he does not approve. That is what must always happen to those in the minority as regards a great national issue,—unless and until we are ruled by the minority. He cannot expect us to sympathise with his plea, least of all in a case where we think, as we do, that the majority is possessed of the right as well as of the might,—En. Spectator.]