Hilda's Dia-y of a Caps Housekeeper. By Hildagonda J. Duckitt.
(Chapman and Hall. 4s. 6d )—Here are no grave ques- tions of policy, no discussions of Briton a Boer. . Mrs.. Duckett was born at the Cape, and is herself half Dutch, having relatives in both peoples. They have lived together, we are glad to be told, in a "most cordial and happy way." She now gives a book (the second on the subject from her pen) about housekeeping in South Africa, full of recipes, suggestions, hints of all kinds as to making the most of Nature's bounties in that country, and there are few places where those bounties are more abundant. It is really a delightful change from what we are accustomed to hear from this quarter. This time the novi aliquid ab Africa is really very welcome.