Bible Characters. By Alexander White, D.D. (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier.
3s. 641.)—Another book of the same kind is Dr. Alexander White's Bible Characters. This volume is the fifth of a series. All the portraits are taken from the New Tests. meet, and about a third of the whole is devoted to St. Paul. Dr. White writes very forcibly, and drives home the lessons he extracts from his Bible types with a deadly earnestness. He despises no method of making his readers attend to his message, and the mixture of religious intensity and almost grotesque humour to be found in his pages is wholly original, but by no means wholly pleasant. Dr. White uses the phraseology of Scotch Calvinism to express, we should imagine, a wider faith. But whatever his precise creed, and whether his readers find his occasional roughness of speech jarring or stimulating, he contrives at least that his sermons should be interesting, and in doing so accomplishes a feat which is not too comm.m.