There seems to be an almost universal agreement not only
that the discussions at the Conference turned upon the question of area, but that the essential difference of opinion was in regard to Tyrone. On the exclusion or inclusion of that county hung and still bangs the momen- tous question of peace or war. At one time there seemed a tendency in the public mind to be misled by a sophistical presentation of the problem of Tyrone. Tyrone is almost equally divided between Protestants and Roman Catholics. The Protestants say they will not go under the domina- tion of a Roman Catholic Dublin Parliament. The Roman Catholics, who are in a majority, though a small one, say that they will not go under the domination of Protestant Ulster. Why is it more reasonable to yield to one cry than to the other ? Why should English Unionists support the Covenanters when they say that Tyrone must be included in the Ulster area ?