His Official Fiancée. By Berta Ruck (mrs. Oliver Onions)....
and Co. 6s.)—This story is an ingenious variant on a not very new plot—that of the lover or husband who falls in love after a conventional engagement or marriage. In this case......
Oic Est Mon Maitre ? Traduit Par Margaret Labalmondiere. (h.
K. Damant.)—This touching little book is supposed to be written by 'Caesar,' the late King Edward's pet dog, and has been admirably translated into simple French. All children......
History Of Gravesend. Vol. I. By A. J. Philip. (stanley
Paul and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Philip is the Borough Librarian of Gravesend, and well known as a diligent student of the local antiquities. No one could be better fitted to......
History Of The National Rifle Association, 1859-1909. By...
Humphry and Lieut-Colonel T. F. Fremantle. (Bowes and Bowes. 5s. net.)—The National Rifle Association was founded in 1859, at the same time as the Volunteer movement., in......
Some Books Of Tiie Week.
[Under this heading tr. notice such Books of ths week as hare nil leen reserved for review in other forms.] Municipal Glasgow. (Glasgow Corporation.)—This useful volume gives a......
British Shipping. By A. W. Kirkaldy. (kegan Paul, Trench,...
Co. 6s. net.)—In this second volume of a series dealing with our national industries, Professor Kirkaldy describes the evolution of the modern ship, the management and......
The South Polar Times, Vol. Iii. (smith, Elder, And Co
£3 3s. net.)—This book is a sequel to the two volumes pub- lished after the return of the Discovery.' It contains a facsimile of the typewritten newspaper which was produced by......
Les Pays D'albanie Et Leur Histoire. Par F. Gibert. (paris:
P. Rosier. 5fr. net.)—Albania was, till quite lately, one of the least known districts of Europe. M. Gibert has compiled a useful summary of what had been published about it to......
The House In Demetrius Road. By J. D. Beresford. (william
Heinemann. 6s.)—There is nothing really mysterious about the story which Mr. Beresford sets forth in his new novel, and yet the reader has all the time the feeling that the......
Survey Of The Honour Of Denbigh, 1334. Edited By P..
Vinogradoff and F. Morgan. Milford. 16s. net.)—We welcome the first of a series of records of the social and economic history of England and Wales, which the British Academy has......
Chats On Household Curios. By F. W. Burgess. (t. Fisher
Unwin. 5s. net.)—A popular account of such things as warming-pans and fire-irons, nut-crackers and tea-caddies, which are old enough or artistic enough to fall within the scope......
THE YOUNGEST WORLD.* Ig Mr. Robert Dunn could persuade himself sometimes to be simple be might produce such a novel as the undoubted ability of The Youngest World convinces us......
Readable Novels.—love In A Thirsty Land. By A. C. Inchbold.
(Chatto and Windus. 6s)—A sentimental and rather highly coloured story of the "rescue" of a girl from convent life in Syria.--Louis Norbert. By Vernon Lee. (John Lane. 6s.)—"......