The Ruin Of The Building Trade.
[To THE EDITOR OP TIM "SPECTITOR.1 Sin,—As an old-established builder in the county of Surrey, I would like to draw your attention to the existing diffi- culties from a business......
Rafts For Shipwreck.
[TO THZ EDITOR OP TRH "SPECTATOR...] SIR, — You have been once again giving vent to my bumble opinions about the efficacy of rafts, and their being carried in these enormous......
[to The Editor 07 Tee " Srmarrros.1
Sin,—Will you allow a few words of comment on your admirable article of last week from a constructor's point of view? With all respect, this question is no longer one for the......
The Chief Cause Of Poverty.
[To TER EDITOR OF THE "5PECTATOR...1 SIR,—I read with much interest a letter by Mr. Moreton Frewen bearing on the problem of British poverty in your last issue, and as Mr.......