University Drama In The Tudor Age. By F. S. Boas.
(Clarendon Press. 14s. net.)—Professor Boas has already delivered a series of lectures on the English Academic drama at Trinity College, Cambridge, and has written on the......
The Probation System. By Cecil Leeson. (p. S. King And
Son. 3s. 6d. net.)—" Probation" is a system by which reclaimable offenders are given a chance to reform. "Instead of being punished, these offenders are conditionally released......
The Inventor's Handbook Of Patent Law And Practice. By F.
E. Bradley and F. H. Bowman. (Ewart, Seymour and Co. 5s.)—This clearly written work should be of service to all who are thinking of taking out a patent. Dr. Bowman, who writes......
The Secrets Of Success In Life. By Walter Wynn. (williams
and Norgate. is. net.)—The editor of The Young Man claims to have exceptional opportunities of understanding the young men of Britain, and reminds them that success depends on......
Mothers Of The Empire. By Mrs. Bramwell Booth. (hodder And
Stoughton. is. 6d.)—These seventeen addresses indicate the position of the Salvation Army in relation to some of the leading problems of woman's social work.......
We Are Always Glad To Chronicle The Appearance Of Volumes
devoted to local history and antiquities. In The Mearns of Old (W. Hodge and Co., 21s. net) Mr. James Crabb Watt gives us a very learned and valuable history of Kincardine down......
Bell Towers And Bell Hanging. By Sir A. P. Heywood,
Bart., and others. (Longmans and Co. 2s. net.)—This is a reasoned "appeal to architects" to design their campaniles in accordance with the expert views of bell-ringers.......
With Mr. Chamberlain In The United States And Canada. By
Sir Willoughby Maycock. (Chatto and Windus. 12s. 6d. net.)—Sir Willoughby Maycock, who served for forty-one years in the Foreign Office, was attached to Mr. Chamberlain's Eshery......
Survey Of The Honour Of Denbigh, 1334. Edited By P..
Vinogradoff and F. Morgan. Milford. 16s. net.)—We welcome the first of a series of records of the social and economic history of England and Wales, which the British Academy has......
The Theory Of Belativity. By L. Silberstein. (macmillan...
10s. net.)—This important mathematical essay, by a well-known physicist, is too purely technical in its argument for detailed discussion in our columns.......
Florence Nightingale To Her Nurses. (macmillan And Co....
"lady with the lamp" used to write an annual letter to the probationer-nurses of the Nightingale School at St. Thomas's Hospital. A charming book—which should be in the hands of......
A Quiet Chat. By "kilgobbin." (c. Good And Co. 5s.
net.)—This collection of amusing stories and ingenious reflections is evidently the clarified residuum of long practice in making conversation.......
Lovers Of Distinction In Style And Admirers Of An Austere
saintly life, whether or not they be Roman Catholics, will welcome a pocket anthology of The Spirit of Cardinal Newman, edited by Father C. C. Martindale, S.J. (Burns and Oates,......
Belgium, Her Kings, Kingdom, And People. By J. De C.
MacDonnell. (John Long. 15s. net.)—The Belgian Kingdom gained a somewhat unenviable notoriety through Leopold IL's Congo speculation. Mr. MacDonnell assures us that "it was by a......