The House in Demetrius Road. By J. D. Beresford. (William
Heinemann. 6s.)—There is nothing really mysterious about the story which Mr. Beresford sets forth in his new novel, and yet the reader has all the time the feeling that the house which fills the title-role is what the Scotch would call "no quite canny." The plot is roughly concerned with the attempt on the part of a private secretary to reform his chief, Robin Greg, who gives way to drunkenness, and whose character is exceptionally well drawn. In the end fate and the inevitable consequences of the propinquity of two young persons of marriageable age are altogether too strong for Robin Greg, and he relapses hopelessly into his vice. Demetrius Road lies in the suburbs, and the reader will feel thankful if his lot is cast in more cheerful places of abode.