[To THE EDITOR Or THEI " SPECTATOR...I SIR,—This Association has now been constituted, its objective being "to bring about such changes in the Constitution as will secure an opportunity for the submission of far-reaching legislative enactments to a direct vote of the people before their passage into law." I am desired to emphasize that the Referendum Association is an Association ad hoc, that it is free and unfettered in pursuing the objective as above defined, and that adherents of all shades of political thought are welcomed. Communications should be sent to the Temporary Organizing Centre, the Referendum Association, 37 Eaton Square, S.W., which through the courtesy of a member of the Council has been placed at the disposal of the Council for that purpose, pending the completion of permanent office arrangements, and contributions to the Organization Fund may be sent, drawn to the order of the Association and crossed "Lloyds Bank, St. James's Street, S.W." Influential support has been obtained, and it is proposed to hold a public meeting at the Queen's Hall about November 10th, amongst the speakers being the Earl of Selborne, Lord Robert Cecil, and Mr. Harold Cox. In addition, an active educational campaign will be initiated all over the country, as to which a further announcement will be made in due course.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Centre, 37 Eaton Square, S.W.
[We sincerely hope that all those, whether Liberals or Unionists, who are true democrats and desire that the will of the majority shall prevail, and not, as so often now, the will of the minority, will send their names to the Temporary Organizing Centre, as above.—En. Spectator.]