Evangelical Doch ice Bililc Truth. By the Rev. C. Anderson
Scott. (Hodder and Stoughton. Es.)-This volume contains a polemic of considerable force levelled against what may be called, for sake of brevity, the sacerdotal position. Various passages in the Articles-e.g., the definition of the Church in XIX., clearly excluding, as it does, the Church of Rome-are brought forward; so is the use of the word "Protestant" as found in Laud and Sancroft. Special objections are taken to a work by Mr. Sadler, and certainly the assertion that no system of worship which does not observe days and seasons can be Scriptural is preposterous. On the other hand, Mr. Scott's own position is liable to counter-attack. But we cannot pursue this subject any further. It only remains to say that Mr. Scott's polemic has the merit of moderation.