25 MAY 1901, page 14

The " Sweetness " Of Englishmen.

• [TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Si,—In the Spectator of May 4th,which has just come to me from a friend, is an article entitled "The 'Sweetness' of English- men" (as you......

A Green Girdle For London.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sta,—Many of your readers on reading the article in the Spectator of May 18th on the above subject must have been reminded of the prescience......

Is Hell Loss Of Being ?

[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—IS it not sufficient to ask this question in order to realise its absurdity? If hell is merely loss of being, what possible deterrent......

• [to The Editor Of The "sp Zerszos.i Sin,—in Reference

to the language of Mn Symonds men- tioned in your correspondence on "Vastness and Isolation," may I venture to quote Robert Browning's words in " Pauline " ?— ig I am made up of......

Ivo The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—in Your...

in the Spectator of May 18th on the length of speeches in Parliament you remark that "constituents do like to feel that they have got something" when they read their Member's......


VICTORIA DAY. (VERSES SUGGESTED BY THE LATE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY.) Now that the Queen is dead, have we aught that is worthy to live for— We who were proud of her reign, wholly in......

The Seizure Of The "irish People."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia, — May I point out the possibility of your article in the Spectator of May 18th on the above subject being written from the point of view......

Speech And Time.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Is it quite certain that the average Parliamentary speech is of excessive, or even of considerable, length ? I take at random seven......