25 MAY 1901, page 25

Sell's Dictionary Of The World's Press, By Henry Sell (167

Fleet Street, 75. 6d.), is even more interesting than usual. It is much more comprehensive than even its title, though this sounds large, would indicate. Literature, politics,......

Co. 10s. 6d.)—this Volume (the Thirty-eighth Annual...

the results of the last Census both at home and in India. Several Censuses of foreign countries have also taken place. Other changes and additions there are—the beginning of the......

Fitonyhurst College. By The Rev. G. Gruggen, S.j., And Rev.

J. Keating, S.J. (Kegan Paul. Trench, and Co. 7s. 6d.)— Stonyhurst is St. Omer's, compelled to migrate to England by the French Revolution, and it has now more than completed......

" Clonfert Cathedral. (canon Mclarney, Clonfert.) — The...

Clonfert issues an appeal, to which we gladly give such circulation as we can, for help in the restoration of the Cathedral (now the parish church) of Clonfert. This building......

A History Of Upper Chapel, Sheffield. By J. E. Man-

ning. M.A. (Independent Press, Sheffield.)—Upper Chapel was founded, says Mr. Manning, by Independents. The con- gregation began with the expulsion of James Fisher, vicar of......

We Have Received Vol. Xi. Of The Parents' Review, Edited

by Charlotte M. Mason (Began Paul, Trench, and Co., 7e. 6d. bound), a repository of varied information and speculation on the inex- haustible subject of the training and......

We May Briefly Mention A Seasonable Book, Small-boat...

E. F. Knight (John Murray, 5s.), described in its sub-title as "An Explanation of the Management of Small Yachts, Half- decked and Open Sailing-Boats of Various Rigs ; Sailing......

The Romance Of The Heavens. By A. W. Bickerton. (swan

Sonnenschein and Co. 5s.)—Professor Bickerton's volume is "an application of chemistry and physics to celestial phenomena." Nothing has been more fruitful in modern science than......

The Revolt And The Escape. Translated From The French Of

Villiers de L'Isle Adam by Theresa Barclay. (Duckworth and Co. 3s. net)—Dramas are not commonly good to read, but these two are an exception. The Revolt is, indeed, scarcely a......