25 MAY 1901, page 1

A Striking Account Of The New Defences Of Pretoria Appears

in Monday's Times. The much-talked-of fortifications erected by the Boers resolved themselves, on close inspection ten months ago, into four "toy forts," which could have......

The Health Of Queen Draga Of Servia, Has Suddenly Become

a matter of acute interest to Eastern Europe. The matter is in this wise. The King and Queen have for some time past expected the birth of an heir, foreign Courts have been......

There Has Been A Muddle At Constantinople Which Might Have

become most menacing. The Sultan's fears of revolt have recently been accentuated by information, true or false, f as to the designs of the Young Turkish party. He fancied that......

News Of The Week.

T T is the custom of the German Emperor to keep the birth- I- day of the Emperor of Russia, and this year the custom was observed at Metz, where William II. happened to be......

The War News Continues To Be Meagre, Apart From The

usual ' lists of surrenders and captures of livestock, but the total Boer casualties 'fOr-Ainil reach the total of 105 killek118 Wounded, prisoners and surrenders 2,193. It is......

We Go To Press Without Being Able To Do More

than merely record the arrival in London of Sir Alfred Milner. But the -preparations, official and otherwise, which have been made to welcome him ought to be a sufficient answer......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuseript,in...
