25 MAY 1901, Page 24

The Alfred Jewel. By John Earle, LL.D. (The Clarendon Press.

12s. 6d. net.)-Professor Earle ' (whom we would con- gratulate on having passed the jubilee of his professorship, a brief interruption being left out of account) has been in the habit of lecturing from time to time on the "Alfred Jewel," and he has now, at the invitation of the delegates of the Clarendon Press, embodied the substance of his carefully gathered lore in this book. It is much more than a description of the Jewel, interesting as this is itself; it is an essay on the great King, with especial reference to the Somersetshire epoch of his life. The subject has been studied on the spot, and it is illustrated with drawings of Somersetshire places and a map of Athelney, in addition, of course, to the representation of the Jewel (forming the frontispiece), and to. articles of a kindred kind. There will doubtless be a considerable " Alfred " literature during the present year, but this volume will hardly be surpassed in interest.