25 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 13


SPECTATOS."1 Sin,—In response to the appeal contained in the letter of Sir Edward Eiger and Sir Henry Harlow, wo beg to announce that over .£1,100 towards the minimum then required has been received or promised since the public meeting held at Glaston- bury on August 18th. Thus a further suns of only £1,400 is now required for the current expenses and theatre fund. This sum must be raised by September 29th if the Festival is to be saved. We should like to take this opportunity of saying that a Glastonbury Festival Association has been formed for Great Britain, the Dominions, and the United States of America, with a minimum annual subscription of 5s. Asso- ciates will receive all free literature and early intimation of events connected with the work. Full particulars of this Association may be obtained from Miss Edith Percy, High Street, Glastonbury. We earnestly ask the public to come forward and help us by raising the small sum of £1,400 to save the Glastonbury Festival School. Unless this is done it must come to an end this autumn. Subscriptions for the two funds should be sent to the Treasurer, Roger Clark, Esq., Street, Somerset, and marked School or Theatre Fund according to the intention of the giver.—We are, Sir, &C., RUTLAND BOUGIITON, Director ; P. NAP= MILES, Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee; ROOM CLARK, Hon. Treasurer.

Glastonbury, Somerset.