25 SEPTEMBER 1920, page 13

The Prospect In India. [to The Editor Of The "

Bescrerea."3 SIR, — In all the recent deluge of speeches and fulminations en affairs in India I have not seen anywhere any clear present- ment of the real danger of the present......

Ireland's Enemies.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECEAT011.."] SIE,—A state of terrorism without historic parallel now obtains in Ireland. While Irish rebels, priestly and lay, write freely in the......

Glastonbury Festival Sc1100i, Appeal. Tto Ths Editor Or...

SPECTATOS."1 Sin,—In response to the appeal contained in the letter of Sir Edward Eiger and Sir Henry Harlow, wo beg to announce that over .£1,100 towards the minimum then......

A Feast Of Rowan Berries.

fTo TES EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.] Sm.—Within a few yards of my study window a fine rowan or mountain ash has borne a very abundant crop of berries this year. This has afforded......

Notice—when "correspondence" Or Article-9 Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......

Tht Mptttata R

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Including postage to any part of the Yearly. United Kingdom .. £2 3 4 OVERSEAS POSTAGE. Including postage to any of the British Dominions and Colonies and......