25 SEPTEMBER 1920, page 3

Terrible And Inexcusable Though Such A Reprisal Is, It Is

neces- sary not to forget that it is a proof of the awful provocation which the Sinn Feiners have given by their long and relentless campaign of assassination. We must remember......

' A Very Lurid Light Is Cast Upon The Dead

set made by Mr. Robert Williams and his colleagues against Mr. Appleton by statements which have appeared in the Yorkshire Post. The London correspondent of that paper says that......

The Evening News Of Tuesday Made Some Further Disclosures...

the trafficking in stolen Russian diamonds for the support of the Daily Herald. It now appears that the mother-in-law of Mr. Edgar Lansbury—Mr. George Lansbury's eon—was also......

No Doubt Mr. Appleton Can Substantiate These Words. They Are

a most damaging allegation: If it be true. that Mr. Williams speaks with one voice in Holland because he wants an inter- national job, and with another voice in England, he ie......

A Definite Example Of The Way In Which The Sim

Feinl propaganda works- conies from Dublin. Early on Wednesday - a military detachment went to the Exchange Hotel- to arrest a Sinn Fein leader named Lynch. When the soldiers......

Mr. Appleton Goes On With Iswiaa Little Homily On The

economic truth that imports have to be paid for by exports, and -that wages cannot be determined by food prices, but must eventually and inevitably be determined by the value of......

Tliie Is All Extremely - Significant And- Important If It Is

true. The least we can-say is that it 'fits in perfectly with the attitude of the Daily Herald, which has been not only ready but °tithed , astically ready to take its orders......

For All This The Manual Workers Have To Thank Their

extremist leaders or; rather, naisleaders. Mr. Appleton has• the•courage to tell the truth, and he is not listened to—at all events not at Trade Union Congresses ; Messrs.......

He Telegraphed Asking What Unions The Delegates...

and by whom they were- elected, and who waa paying their expenses ? " Up to the present," he adds, " I have received no reply nor do I expect one, because I know, as every other......

In The Very Newspapers In Which We Read Of The

sacking of Balbriggan we also read of the attempt to lynch three negroes in the highly civilized City of Chicago. The negroes bad killed a. man in order to rob him, and nothing......

Civil War In Ireland Has Become More Pronounced Than Over,

and in a long list of riots and reprisals the most tragic story is that of the events at Balbriggan, a small seaport town about- twenty miles north of Dublin. On Monday......

Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed Front Pat Eent. Apr.

15, 1920 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on• Thursday, 841; Thursday week, 811 ; a year ago, 94......