25 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 3

For all this the manual workers have to thank their

extremist leaders or; rather, naisleaders. Mr. Appleton has• the•courage to tell the truth, and he is not listened to—at all events not at Trade Union Congresses ; Messrs. Cramp, Bromley, and Robert Williams have the courage to. attack Mr. Appleton when he cannot retort, and they have a great success—at all events at Trade Union. Congresses. But the facts are already justifying. Mr. Appleton. In the second part -of his article Mr. Appleton has a good deal to say about Mr. Robert Williams personally. "Mr: Williams in a.well.fed and well-dressed epitome of all those bourgeois arroganees he so glibly describes and denounces. He is known to have ambitions concerning positions in the International Transport Workers Federation,. He has been told in Holland that no Bolshevik need apply, so in that country he coos like a sucking dove."