25 SEPTEMBER 1920, page 22

Allenby's Find Triumph. By W. T. Massey. (constable. 21s....

Massey, who represented the London newspapers with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, has written an inter- esting narrative of Lord Allenby's operations in 1918, of his great......

The Outdoor Botanist. By A. R. Horwood, (t, Fisher Unwin.

188. 1895 Professor Warming of-Copen- hagen published the first comprehensive work on that branch. of botany which has come to be called "Ecology," and four years after A. F. W.......

Life In A Sussex Windmill. By Edward A. Martin. (allen

and: Donaldson. 6s. net.)—Mr. Martin took the deserted mill above Clayton, on the Sussex Downs, a. few miles north. of Brighton, and lived in it, so that be might study......

The Triumph Of Nationalization. By Sir Leo Chiozza Money,...

7a. net.}—The thesis of this book is thak because the. State had to control. various trades and engage on a large scale in the making of munitions during the war,......

In The Clouds Above Baghdad. By Lt.-col. J. E. Tennant.

Cecil Palmer. 15s. net)--Colonel Tennant has written a spirited account of his experiences with the Air Force in Meso- potamia from August, 1916, to the spring of 191S, and has......