25 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 3

Civil war in Ireland has become more pronounced than over,

and in a long list of riots and reprisals the most tragic story is that of the events at Balbriggan, a small seaport town about- twenty miles north of Dublin. On Monday District-Inspector Burke was murdered by Shin Feiners, and his brother, Sergeant Burke, was wounded. What followed is said to have been a reprizal. Although this assertion may be true, those who know Ireland best would not be astonished to learn that some of the " reprisals " against the Sinn Feiners have been procured, or engineered for a purpose, or else have been misreported by Sinn Feiners themselves. However that may be, this particular affair at Balbriggan must apparently be attributed to a collapse of discipline. It Is said that auxiliary police recruits attacked the town, that two civilians were shot dead, and that several large mills and more than thirty houses belonging to Sinn Feiners were burnt. Wounded refugees are being attended to in the Dublin hospitals.