25 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 2

Last week we referred to the attacks made at the

Trade Union Congress at Portsmouth on Mr. W. A. Appleton, the Secretary of the General Federation of Trade Unions and President of the International Federation of Trade Unions. Mr. Appleton, as we said, has done a 'hundred -times more for Labour than all his assailants put -together. At the Trade Union Congress Mr. -Appleton, not being a delegate, had quietly to listen in a gallery while he was being denounced. But he replied to some purpose in the Sunday Chronicle of last Sunday. " The sum total of my iniquities," he writes, " is that I have dared to tell the truth, and that the truth is making itself manifest. I have said, and I repeat, that every penny placed on the price of coal or on the cost of transport must be added to the cad of production, and =et adversely affect the chance of selling British manufactured goods in foreign markets."