25 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 2

The Polish and Bolshevik delegates met at Riga on Tuesday

to discuss terms of peace. The military operations have not ceased. The _Pelee have followed up the retreating Bolsheviks beyond the :provisional frontier suggested :by -the Allies. it is reported that the Bolsheviks are maiming a new army east of Grodno, in rear of the Lithuanian frontier forces. The Poles, we should think, would do well to make peace with the Lithuanians, so as to detach them from the Bolsheviks. Unfortunately the negotiations between the Poles and _Lithuanians at Kalvaria came-to nothing, -owing to a dispute over the little town of -Seiny, and the armistice ceased on -Sunday. But Lithuania had the good.sense to accept . the compromise suggested by the Council of the League of Nations, namely, that she should respect the provisional "Curzon line" and enforce her neutrality .as regards the Bolsheviks, who have hitherto done as they pleased in her territory.