25 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 2

Two serious trade disputes were settled last week. In the

engineering trades the Electrical Trades Union withdrew its unwarrantable demand that foremen should 'be compelled to join the union and obey its orders—a demand which it sought to enforce by a strike at Penietone—whereupon the Employers' Federation cancelled its lock-out of unionist electricians. An Inquiry is being held into the circumstances of the Penistone strike. In the printing trade the Manchester and Liverpool branches of the Typographical Association agreed to accept the national settlement arranged last month 'by their executive. The quarrel between these branches and the central body of the union was fought out at the expense of the employers. 'The Liverpool and Manchester newspapers had to cease publication for three weeks, sustaining heavy loss and inflicting much inconvenience on the public. The Liverpool and Manchester compositors lost three weeks' wages and gained nothing by their violent methods, which were contrary to all the traditions of the printing trade.