British History Chronologically Arranged. By Arthur Hassell. (Macmillan. 20s. net.)—Mr.
Hassall's handbook will be found convenient for reference. It covers the whole field from Caesar's first invasion up to last year. Parallel columns are devoted to England, the sister-countries, Europe, and notes of a mis- cellaneous and somewhat unequal character. Mr. Hassell rightly pays attention to colonial expansion, literary events and scientific discoveries, as well as to politics and war. lie gives details of the ministries since 1801. Sometimes he gives an apt quotation to illustrate an entry, such as. Prince Maurice's comment to his brother on Edgehill :- " We like St. George had killed all the dragons, But thou west too eager to plunder their waggons." We do not understand the entry, " 1643-74. The Puritans pulled down Charing Cross and Cheapsido " ; it was the Cross in Cheapside that was destroyed.—Mr. Hassell has also reissued his old and well-known handbook, European Ilislory Chrono- logically Arranged (Macmillan, 12s. net), which begins in 476 and has now been continued to last year. The summary of the war is meagre but will have its uses.