The Lore of Cathay. By W. A. P. Martin, D.D., LL.D. (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier. 10s. 6d.) — Dr. Martin in this sequel to "A Cycle of Cathay •' gives us in so many chapters the main elements of Chinese philosophy, literature, and education, and also studies of her religions and ethics and history. That on "Chinese Literature" is interesting, and he defends it ably against the aspersions of the contemptuous Westerner. The Chinese write too much, indeed, not too little. Confucius pro- vides material for some entertaining pages, and here, as in other phases of Chinese. thought and life, Dr. Martin is anxious to correct the erroneous teaching that has grown up round the embodied teaching of the sage. Buddhism he speaks of with great respect, regarding it hopefully as a precursor of Christianity, nay, more, a preparation for Christianity. Quaint and amusing, too, are the extracts from the lighter literature of the race. After all, there is a want of solidity, a flabbiness, about Chinese morality and precept. They are as beautiful as certain denizens of the sea, but not much firmer. Dr. Martin is in duty bound to take up the cudgels for the people he knows so well, but he does not extenuate their weaknesses or the defects of their qualities. We may safely commend The Lore of Cathay as a fairly readable book of reference.