Heroines Of Tragedy.
[To TUX EDITOR Or TUB " SPRCTATOR.1 am glad that your correspondent who signs herself "An Elderly Woman" in the Spectator of April 19th has called attention to the unique charm......
Women Settlers And Farm Pupils In South
AFRICA. TRU EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR." srE,—I see that the question of emigration is again discussed in the Spectator of February 8th. The plain facts of the case are so very......
Paradorts Of The Education Controversy.
(To TEE EDITOR 01 , TILE "SPECTATOR-) Srs.,—A friend has just drawn my attention to an article under the above heading in the Spectator of April 12th in which you animadvert......
A Political Phrase,
PrO TUX EDITOR OF TIER "Brixorwroei STR, — SOMe time ago Mr. Asquith talked of "ploughing the sands" in regard to certain political work. The phrase is remembered, and was......