Dr. Moberly's Sermons.
Christ Our Life. By R. C. Moberly, D.D. (John Murray. 9s.) —This is a collection of sermons preached for the most part in the Cathedral, Christchurch. The most interesting, to......
The Fireside Sphinx.
The Fireside Sphinx. By Agnes Repplier. With Illustrations by E. Bonsall. (Gay teal Bird. 7s. GL)—This is a worthy addition to cat literature, and all who share the fireside......
Two Medi/evil Books.
Marie de France, done into English by Edith Rickert ; and Morien, rendered into English prose from the Medireval Dutch by Jessie L. Weston. Both with Designs by Caroline Watts.......
Highways And Byways In The Lake District.
Highways and Byways in the Lake District. By A. G. Bradley, Illustrations by Joseph Pennell. (Macmillan and Co. 62 )- Though Mr. Bradley begins by saying that the lack of......
Ancient Castles And Mansions Of Stirling,
Ancient Castles and Mansions of Stirling Nobility. Described and Illustrated by J. S. Fleming, F.S.A. (Scot.) (A. Gardner, Paisley. 21s. net.)—The people of Stirling may well be......