Paradorts Of The Education Controversy.
(To TEE EDITOR 01 , TILE "SPECTATOR-) Srs.,—A friend has just drawn my attention to an article under the above heading in the Spectator of April 12th in which you animadvert......
Graduated Excise Licenses.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE ssrsersressi Si,—The Chancellor's Budget proposals for the extra id. on bankers' cheques and the duty on grain are likely to meet with determined......
Letters To The Editor.
RICHMOND PARK AS A MANCRTIVRING GROUND. [TO Ma EDITOR. OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIE,—Mr. Akers-Douglas can hold out no hope of allowing Richmond Park to be used as an exercise......
The Education Bill.
rro THE EDITOR OF TEE 'SPEOTATOR.1 SIE, -.- A9 a steady supporter of the Unionist Government, may I be allowed to express a doubt whether they will do wisely in sacrificing the......